Floyd Mayweather Jr. been involved in some of the biggest boxing PPV events in the last few years. In fact, Floyd is currently hailed as boxing's PPV king (Dela Hoya already retired).
(2007) Dela Hoya vs. Floyd - highest PPV buys ever
(2007) Hatton vs. Floyd
(2009) Marquez vs. Floyd
(2010) Mosley vs. Floyd
This coming September 17, Floyd will be involved again in another boxing PPV event, a fight against Victor Ortiz. This match-up will be televised by HBO and covered with 24/7 series.
Lately, there were reports that sales of this PPV event is quite slow. A Nevada boxing commissioner said that he didn't noticed considerable buzz for this fight. Floyd himself even went to the extent of blaming HBO for not "promoting" the fight well.
It's possible the PPV sales of this fight will not do good due to the following reasons:
* Day-by-day Floyd is making a bigger ass of himself
* Floyd not fighting Pacquiao
* Ortiz' fanbase is small compared to Mosley, Marquez, Hatton, DelaHoya
* Floyd cannot just carry the PPV event on his own
* People just don't buy a PPV because of the undercard fights
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